

Caused by first getting infected with varicella-zoster virus (VZV), chickenpox is an extremely contagious disease. The characteristics of which involve skin rash that causes blisters on the body. Chickenpox is an airborne disease; it effortlessly spreads when an infected person sneezes or coughs. Also, if someone who gets in contact with the blisters might get affected.


The origin of the term has not been traced to any point in history. The first time someone described Chickenpox was in the 16th century by Giovanni Filippo. Until the 19th century, chickenpox was not differentiated from smallpox.


Chickenpox disease can be transmitted by touching or breathing in the virus particles left over by the body. It can also be spread indirectly when a person touches an item which was in contact with active blisters directly.


Chickenpox is a disease which is more common in children than in adults. However, adults do get affected by the disease. Typically, it is something which can be taken care of at home, but in certain severe cases, healthcare facility visit might be needed.

Chickenpox Symptoms

Chickenpox Symptoms


In the initial stage of the infection, symptoms like loss of appetite, nausea, headache, and aching muscles are common. Normally, this is followed by oral sores or rash, low fever, and malaise. The most typical symptoms involve an itchy rash and lesions that are filled with fluid. 


The usual progression starts from the face, then goes on to the back, chest, and till it consumes the entire body. This whole process may take up to 12 hours. The illness lasts typically for 4 to 7 days. Fever, tiredness, appetite loss, and headache are some other symptoms.


Children who are vaccinated do not get infected by the virus. However, there have been cases that even after vaccination, people develop symptoms of chickenpox.

Chickenpox Diagnosis

Chickenpox Diagnosis


The showing up of symptoms is the first step of diagnosis. If someone discovers the signs of chickenpox, then they should soon visit a doctor, who would properly take care of the disease. The next step taken by the doctor would be getting a confirmation by testing the patient’s blood or by examining the vesicles of the rash.

Chickenpox Treatment and Cost in India

Chickenpox Treatment and Cost in India


The treatment of the illness is typically done to reduce the pain caused by the symptoms because it will be ultimately cured only after the disease goes through its cycle. The infected ones are suggested to not come in contact with people who have never faced chickenpox.


The doctor would certainly recommend maintaining a good diet and hygiene. They may prescribe Paracetamol to reduce fever. Sometimes, even antivirals are used.


Normally, children are treated differently from adults. Children, below the age of 12, do not get antiviral drugs. However, if they are going through another a condition which may lead to other complication, they are allowed to receive antiviral drugs. Treatment of chickenpox in children is directed towards symptoms because the immune system deals with the virus.


In cases of adults, the symptoms tend to be severe. The symptoms are treated the same way they are treated in children. They are advised to increase the intake of water to cope with headaches and dehydration.

Health Insurance

Health Insurance


At times, life can be unpredictable, and one never knows what ailment strikes them. Dealing with them sometimes can be extremely stressful, and its financial repercussions are numerous. Not many are equipped to deal with it money wise. The medical bills within a few days eat up all the savings.


In a time like this, one needs financial stability to rely upon. Health insurance comes in at that time. Health insurance is a type of coverage policy which helps the insurer gain financial help when they need it. Everyone who is earning should buy health insurance for themselves because it is something that anyone can purchase economically and take its full benefits if the time comes.


Some of the benefits of a health insurance policy include-


  • TreatmenThe hospitals which come in the network of the Health insurance package work cashless.
  • Pre and post hospitalization cover can be expensive, but health insurance policies normally cover them.
  • When a policyholder does not file for any treatment in a year, they are offered no claim bonus.


There are many other benefits of buying a health insurance policy, make sure to be financially secured for emergencies.

Other Diseases

Other Diseases

Today's world is blessed with all the facilities that make life easy, but there are downsides to it. Factors like excessive stress, pollution, and a busy life have made many ignorant of their health. This has led to a series of diseases which are getting more common every day.

  • Diseases related to breathing
  • Heart-related issues
  • Viral infections
  • Lungs, kidney and liver problems