


We will be covering the following:


  • Arrhythmia Symptoms
  • Arrhythmia Diagnosis
  • Arrhythmia Treatment & Cost in India
  • Health Insurance in India
  • Other Diseases

What is Arrhythmia?


In simple terms, heart arrhythmias can be defined as irregular or abnormal heartbeat. They are essentially considered an annoyance and not a serious condition. Arrhythmia can appear at any age and may occur either in the atrial, i.e. upper or in the ventricular, i.e. the lower chambers of your heart.


They can be the result of any or a combination of pre-existing heart ailments, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, drug and alcohol abuse, habitual smoking, and anxiety or mental stress.


The feeling of a premature or anomalous heartbeat can be unsettling at first, but they may easily go unnoticed over time. If the symptoms persist and appear more frequently than expected, then seeking medical supervision is advisable.

Few types of Arrhythmias

Few types of Arrhythmias


Most cases of arrhythmia are not life-threating by itself, but some may lead to heart attack and stroke. Arrhythmias could be of several types broadly depending on the pattern of irregularity.


  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Atrial flutter
  • Irregular heartbeat is classified as flutter or fibrillation and cases of early heartbeat is termed as premature contraction.
  • Supraventricular tachycardia or SVT
  • Ventricular tachycardia
  • Ventricular fibrillation is the more severe form accompanied by extremely erratic and racy heartbeat, which could turn fatal without instant medical assistance.
  • Long QT syndrome
  • The slow and rapid heartbeat conditions are called bradycardia, and tachycardia, respectively.
Arrhythmia Symptoms

Arrhythmia Symptoms


Arrhythmias do not have significant and prominent symptoms that a patient might notice easily. It is completely possible that your doctor may be able to notice symptoms during a routine examination. The symptoms may differ from one person to another based on the type of arrhythmia. Following are a few of the symptoms of arrhythmia.


  • Light-headedness which may be or may not be accompanied by nausea and cold sweat.
  • Slow or rapid heartbeat
  • A sensation of chest fluttering and, in some cases, general discomfort.
  • Chest pressure or pain in severe cases
  • Weakness, Syncope or fainting
  • Shortness of breath, shallow breathing or breathlessness.
  • Palpitations are the most common arrhythmia symptoms.
  • Sudden Collapse and Cardiac arrest in risky cases.
Arrhythmia Diagnosis

Arrhythmia Diagnosis


Arrhythmia diagnosis is achieved by one of many ways, including an ECG or Electrocardiogram that has sensors to perceive heart rate and time duration of electrical phase activity in a heartbeat. Resting or exercise (stress) ECG is done to monitor performance.


  • The Holter monitor is a portable ECG device that can be used to monitor and record heart activity on the go.
  • The Event monitor is another dynamic monitoring portable ECG device to be used sporadically by the wearer when symptoms manifest.
  • An echocardiogram is a non-invasive test that uses sound waves to record images of the heart, by placing a transducer on your chest.
  • Implantable loop recorder device is implanted under the skin, near the chest, to detect abnormal heart rhythms.
  • Electrophysiologic study or EPS to detect infrequent episodes.


Fit lifestyle aimed at healthy heart solutions, come handy in the prevention of arrhythmia. Genetic testing and regular screening both in adults and children, ensure early detection and targeted precautions.

Arrhythmia Treatment and Cost in India

Arrhythmia Treatment and Cost in India


Treatment may not be required for arrhythmia unless it threatens to give rise to a severe complication. Slow heartbeats are either treated by rectifying the cause or by using pacemakers. The treatment of arrhythmia will largely depend on the type of conditions and patient’s condition.


  • In major cases, electric shock or cardioversion is used to reset and restore the heart to its normal rhythm.
  • Maze procedure, ventricular aneurysm and coronary bypass surgeries are done to correct anomalies and restore normal heart rate.
  • Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator or an ICD device is implanted near the left collarbone to record, monitor and correct heart rhythm when abnormalities are detected.
  • Catheters are inserted into the heart through blood vessels to destroy tissue sections that might be causing arrhythmia by a procedure called Ablation therapy.


As the current hub for global patients, India offers several surgical facilities, medical services and medications for Arrhythmia patients at low prices and affordable costs. Depending upon the severity of the case, your doctor, the treating hospital, medications, and the type of treatment, the cost may differ. In cases where surgical and invasive procedures are involved, hospital stay, medicines, and rehabilitation expenses could climb up to a few lakhs.

Health Insurance in India

Health Insurance in India


One cannot deny that improving medical technology has improved life expectancy and enhanced disease-fighting methods. However, the rising healthcare cost is also a reality which can cause a severe financial burden on any family. Health insurance companies in India offer affordable plans that will provide cover for a majority of the illnesses.


It is paramount for you to understand the fine prints and be absolutely clear about the terms and conditions of the insurer. You have to reveal past diseases or present condition which purchasing the policy as per the proposal form. Nondisclosure of medical conditions can later become grounds for denial of claims.


You should ideally compare various plans available and select the one as per your requirements. You can contact the executives of the insurer to understand the coverage terms prior purchase. This will ensure that you have a clear idea about the insurance policy you will be purchasing.

Other Diseases in India

Other Diseases in India


The major cause of heart disease in India is brought on by stress, hypertension, pollution and an unhealthy lifestyle. So, by adopting certain measures like regular exercising, eating clean and simple well-balanced meals, curbing smoking, alcohol and other addictive habits, one can easily avoid health complications in the long-run.


Some of those diseases are:

  • Respiratory Distress
  • Liver Cirrhosis
  • Lung Cancer
  • Thyroid related disorders
  • Heart failure